Thursday 18 July 2013

Rose tinted tarmac

It's so hot at the moment I can barely think. Words keep coming out wrong and I'm getting (more) forgetful. Can't wait to just stop and stay still for a few hours in the summer holidays next week

Managed to stop a moment to snap this lovely at work yesterday 

Monday 15 July 2013

Time passes

What a difference six months makes.

All good in terms of pots.

Mostly pants in other parts of life.

Mum has been gone for most of those six months and it daily floors me and dissolves me into tears.

The summer holidays start next week and for the first time in ten years, well, six I suppose of school holidays, there is some serious juggling to be done as I no longer of the option of giving Mum the school term dates and knowing she'll just be there, doing it all, filling in the days with fun and sunshine.

I just hope that in another six months, or even six years if it takes that long, that my life can fill out and bloom again.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Pin It. Done It.

I was actually a bit more creative in the first week of 2013 than I gave myself credit for. Which is handy cos nothing has been done in week two.

I've actually followed through on a couple of ideas from Pinterest so far and once we took the Christmas decorations down some form of colour was needed on a wall in the living room. So this pin was dug out.

Obviously I took no tutorial photos. And the light in the finished pictures is pants. But it's up and I kinda like the results. The smaller of the canvasses was our test run which the three of us liked too much to just ditch. No one else has commented on it yet so maybe you just had to be there.